We are Anne and Alex, a mother and son who love to cook. Both of us have been cooking since we were very young. Anne's childhood was full of such tasks as swadding peas for Nanna, whilst surrounded by the smells of home-baked scones, rock cakes and scrumptious apple pies made by my Mother.
Alex learned to cook by helping me (Anne) from the time he could, I think he made his first batch of scones at age 5 on a canal camp somewhere in the Midlands where I was duty cook for the weekend for a group of hungry, hard-working navvies*. Over the years his skills have grown, and he, like Anne, is not afraid to experiment with new ideas and ingredients. Much of what we make is done without using a formal recipe - we just make it up as we go along. It rarely disappoints!
Anne's husband Barry, who could pop chips on a tray in the oven or do a baked potato in the microwave when they first met, is now just as enthusiastic about cooking from scratch and loves to set to and make the evening meal, having the confidence in his own ability to do it. Cooking is fun for this family, and we hope to share with you some of our ideas and give you some hints how to make healthy yet incredibly tasty meals from scratch without spending a fortune!
Oh and the title, Scrumpledumptious, comes from a word long used in the family to describe tasty food! We hope you'll enjoy our Scrumpledumptious world too. :)
If you would like to know more about our time cooking on the canal camps, why not take a look at Anne's book Fancy a Dirty Weekend? the travels of a navvies' cook - available in Kindle format from Amazon on the picture link below or here if it doesn't show for you: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00AR154RQ.