Why a food blog? Aren't there enough of them online anyhow? Well yes, there probably are, but they are not ours, and we like cooking and making things!
So, here we are, with a host of ideas for sharing, things we have tried that worked, things we have tried that didn't work so well, and things we are trying out right now. We will also talk about the types of equipment we use for cooking and where we found it, as well as the great ingredients we use in our food.
Our focus is on healthy, interesting and tasty food, and that doesn't mean we'll talk about lettuce all the time! It does mean that we'll share with you what we use and where we find it, and show you what we grow ourselves once our garden is sorted and production.
It also means we can keep a record of what we make, and how we make it, that any of the family can access from anywhere. The best thing about cooking is the sharing of it - sharing the making as well as sharing the eating.
We hope you'll come and enjoy this food blog with us too.